Print advice for small businesses

Print continues to be an effective marketing tool but, as a small business, it’s important to find ways to gain the most from your print budget without compromising on quality. Here are some considerations for you to bear in mind: 1. LITHO V DIGITAL In a nutshell litho printing uses wet ink and printing plates,…

Print planning for success

In business, it’s easy to get bogged down with day-to-day problems and forget the bigger picture. However, successful companies invest time in planning, which makes all the difference to their growth and performance. And planning your print is no exception. Being able to give your print company some visibility on any projects, events or campaigns…

Top tips for compelling flyers

Flyers are an inexpensive, highly effective way to get your message out. Ideal for events, offers, what’s new and more, here are some techniques that professional graphic designers and marketers use to make flyers ‘pop’. Keep it brief – with attention spans known to be shrinking and people leading such busy lives, your message needs…