High Quality PrintHigh Quality Print
All work guaranteed for your satisfaction
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Flexible local and nationwide delivery
Quick TurnaroundQuick Turnaround
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To send us a file, simply follow the instructions below.

We use WeTransfer as it’s a quick and secure way to send files of up to 2GB, with no need to setup an account.

How to send files

  1. Start by clicking the Upload Files button below.
  2. Use the + sign to add the files you want to send.
  3. Type in our email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if this is not already pre-filled by the system
  4. Now type in your own email address.
  5. Write a short message including your name and the name of your project.
  6. Then hit the Transfer button and you’re done.
  7. We will automatically be notified by email that you have uploaded a file.

If you experience any problems, please just call us on 01952 730511.


Do you need help with a current print project? Please call a member of the Badger Print team to discuss your requirements. Call us01952 730511 Lines Open:
7am to 5pm Monday to Thursday - 7am to 4pm Friday

Do you have a current print project you need help with?

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